South Ural State Medical University Chelyabinsk, RUSSIA

South Ural State Medical University

Chelyabinsk, RUSSIA

South Ural State Medical University is a large higher education institution under federal authority, one of the leading medical universities of the Russian Federation with a powerful system of profound and clinical medical education.

South Ural State Medical University was founded in 1944 in the city of Chelyabinsk and has trained more than 30 000 highly qualified graduates. We have 6 faculties (Medical faculty, Pediatric faculty, Faculty of Social work, higher nursing education and management, Dentistry faculty, Disease Prevention faculty, Pharmaceutical faculty). We prepare students according to the programs of specialty, postgraduate studies, and residency.

The most important direction of the educational policy of university is to improve the practical training of students, which can be easily implemented on the basis of our own multy-functional clinic.

Much attention is paid to the development and application of practical skills in simulated conditions, for which the university has high-tech sites equipped with modern robotic mannequins and realistic phantoms.

Along with high quality training of specialists, the most important priority of the university is science. The university has Research and Educational centers, Immunology Research Institute, a Central Research laboratory, an Experimental biological clinic, on the basis of which students are actively engaged in science under the guidance of the Student Scientific Society.



MAIN COURSE (contain 6 years )

Founded: 1944


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