Bashkir State Medical University
Ufa, Russia
“Bashkir State Medical University is the oldest leading medical university in Russia. Bashkir State Medical University is ranked among the 10 best Russian Medical Universities. For its low-cost tuition fee structure and easy admission process Bashkir State Medical University becoming popular among international students for medical studies”.
Bashkir State Medical University is one of the largest medico-scientific centers in Ufa, Russian Federation. UFA is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Russia. Bashkir State Medical University is an educational institution that has been training students since 1932.
Bashkir State Medical University has become a large center for undergraduate and postgraduate courses which provides for the successful operating of postgraduate courses in 56 scientific majors and doctoral courses in 8 scientific majors.
There are 10 doctoral and 3 candidate dissertation councils that are responsible for defense and awarding academic degrees in 23 majors.
Bashkir State University provides opportunities not only to receive quality knowledge and master professional skills but also to live a bright, exciting, and active life.
MAIN COURSE (contain 6 years )
(English Medium)