Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russia

Kuban State Medical University,

      Krasnodar, Russia

Kuban State Medical University was founded in 1920 and today is one of the oldest universities in the Kuban and the leading medical universities in Russia.
The composition of the Kuban State Medical University as a structural division includes:
– 7 faculties (medical, pediatric, dental, medical and preventive, pharmaceutical, faculty of pre-university training and advanced training and retraining of specialists);
– 66 departments;
– Obstetric-Gynecologic Clinic;
– Dental clinic;

The founder of the University is the Russian Federation Government.  In March 2010, based on the decision of the Accreditation Board of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science of Kuban State Medical University is accredited for 5 years with the establishment of the state status of the type of “educational institution of higher professional education” type “university”.


In accordance with the license of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science from 15.03.2010 №2848, at which the University has also received this year, leads educational activities in the field of pre-university training in the field of higher education in the specialties: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical, and preventive work, Dentistry, Pharmacy, besides the university has a license to honey. activities for the dental clinic and basic obstetric clinic.

Before the Russian higher education problem was the quality of training always. But at the present stage of socio-economic development of the state of preparation quality has become especially relevant, due to a number of factors.
A special place in the structure of higher education institution takes Russia thanks to the quality management system of vocational education.

In June 2010, representatives of the Association of certification “Russian Register” conducted an audit of the quality management system of the University, according to the results of an international standard which issued the certificates of conformity of quality management system ISO 9001 – 2008. This system reflects the multi-level nature of the management of the educational process that raises the status and the prestige of the diploma at the international level.



ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-23 MAIN COURSE (contain 6 years )



Special Notes:

1- Visa Expenses And Travel Expenses Paid by Student

2- Students have to deposit 2000$ in Pakistan before Travel

3- Any Government and Other Registration Dues will be Paid by student

4- University Accommodation is Compulsory

5- Accommodation and Mess charges should be Paid within 3 days of arrival

6-Embassy Visa Stamp Fee is not included in this fee Package

7- Fee once deposit  are non refundable nor transferable


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